Synopsis: Jake Heart is a grunge rocker with a shot at living his dream but first he needs closure from his horrifying past. Seeking redemption, he sets out on a journey into dangerous territory, discovering old friends and ruthless enemies as he pieces together clues to a long lost mystery.
A unique mystery thriller with touches of comedy, action and romance - it brings together a dynamic balance of themes and genres giving it a universal appeal.
The film takes place in early 1990’s Seattle and will have an incredible soundtrack with classic grunge rock songs that left its mark on pop culture. Viewers will revisit or be introduced to the music and spirit of that era. Rearview Mirror is American Graffiti for the nineties. We are honored to have support from members of this amazing musical community.
From ScreenplayCoverage.Com…
“The story follows an interesting and unique hero in a world that is unusual and compelling. Each character plays a key role in this ‘off the map’ town with a hidden secret. Creatively, the story is not disappointing. "
“The script does a good job framing the narrative in a world that is unique. Similarly, the supporting characters offer an experience that is enjoyable and fresh, emulating those most successful exercises of the classification- mystery.”
“You have not only chosen characters intriguing and befitting the tone and spirit of the work, but have also been creative in sculpting their background and occupations to generate compelling bits of conflict, which press upon the natural flow of the story.”
“The characters and action are kept in constant motion. This adds to the story’s energy and keeps readers engaged. This is no easy thing to accomplish and the writer should be commended for a good job. What’s more, you totally, and successfully, embraced the tone that films of the genre typically exhibit, and employ it to create interesting and compelling situations for the ensemble to carry out; the result being a holistic drama to match tonally those of the popular mystery style.”
“Producers may see it as an opportunity to create a modestly-budgeted indie film with potential for breakout success. The piece also has a quirky ensemble that could serve to entice ‘name’ talent, as well. This presents a solid opportunity for the project commercially. There is clearly a place in the market for films of this tone and subject.”